Available courses

This course is for the Lab part related to ESOF-5232/0154 Software Construction and Evolution

ESOF-5232/0154 Software Construction and Evolution
Department of Software Engineering

Faculty of Engineering

Winter Semester 2024

Instructor Information
Instructor: Dr. Ayman Diyab
Office Location: AT 5032
Telephone: 807-343-8922
Office Hours: Th. 5:30 PM – 6:15 PM (Room: BB-1075)
Teaching Assistant (TA) Information: Mr. Chris Silver
Course Identification
Course Number: ESOF-5232/0154
Course Name: Software Construction and Evolution
Course Location: BB-1075
Class Times:
Lecture: Tues, Thurs 4:00 PM – 05:30 PM
Lab/Tutorial: Th 2:30 PM – 4:00 PM